Fallout 3 - Fileplanet Mod Pack v2.0
| 11.02.2009, 21:57 |
Коллекция аддонов и модов для Fallout3. Моды проверены на работоспособность в англ. версии. Совместное использование большинства из них конфликтов не вызывает, но читать ридми к модам всетки рекомендуется.
Включает: * Новые здания и убежища * Новые квесты и новых боссов * Новое оружие * HD текстуры и графические улучшения * Несколько утилит для создания/изменения модов * Уровневые, Перковые, ЕХП моды * Оружейные моды и скины * Скины, униформы, интерфейс и т.д Список всего по категориям: Gameplay ======== All Perks Unlock by malkion - Unlock all available perks and combine with other mods to create unique characters Enclave Commander by J3x - Command a tactical squad companion with a dropship Martigen Monster Increase Spawn by Martigen - Sellable Body Parts by ColSquirell - Sell Body Parts for Profit
Weapons ======= Ultra Fatman by doc_colossusSponge - Super nuke mod that layeth the smacketh down. Magsniper by SpeedyB64 - A custom made unique sniper using special ammo Tsurugi by LordNapalm - Famous sword from Final Fantasy Lightsaber by Morraelin - Here is a Jedi Lightsaber for those who are strong with the force. Unique Weapons by Refsil - Some unique energy weapons that are very powerful and deadly
Buildings ========= Megaton
City Extended v2.61 by KrazyKommy - Super swanky and sweet looking
extension of the megaton house with extra floor and items Dtoms Rivet City Apartment by dtoms- A River City apartment with ammo racks, livingroom, and bedroom. Canterbury Hideout by Kitteh - Swanky hangout that is brightly lit and refresh looks in Canterbury Commons. Fallout Shelter by LochAlpha - Museum of American History VIP shelter Vault 89 by SundaySorrow - Adds Vault 89 to the game, which will serve as the player's house with custom location
Clothing and Outfits ==================== Black Latex Armor by tavtav - A sexy black skin tight leather latex outfit for females Josef Grey Night Recon by Joseph Grey - Sleek tactical black recon uniform designed for night recon missions for females Ed Hardy Clothing by Kasyvor - Fashionable and classy Ed hardy collection of 3 outfits for female characters. Classic Black Leather Outfit by tavtav - Classic black motorcycle leather outfit reskin for MadMAx fans
Female Enhancements =================== Brurpo Alluring Babe Enhancement -BABE- by Brurpo - Customize the female character's body with a sexy torso and chest. Josef Grey Makeup by Josef Grey - Add some makeup to female characters for an even game FemTex by thecaptainhere - A femae face texture that gives them a smooth and clear complexion Hair mod by YoshikinaKota - This unlocks hair
Maps ==== Printable Quest Map v1.0 by dbaily56 - Print this map for all quest locations
Textures ======== Atmosphere Sun Glare by Lady Deathlock - Have beautiful HDR sunsets and sunrays fill the screen. Enhanced Night Sky - Have the night sky filled with more stars and celestial things. Krzymars Hi Res Moon by Krzymar - Match that beautiful starry night with a more detailed moon Mimezu Textures by Mimezu - One of the first texture pack for Fallout 3 improves the apperances of wood grain, and certain rocks Terrain Pack by NeilMc_NMC - The best terrain pack of them all with 3 packages for 3 different levels of graphics.
Quest ===== Fist Full of Caps by Kevin - Complete dangerous task and find treasure maps that lead to great treasure and rewards Ghoul Massacre by Phitt - This standalone quest requires surviving waves of ghoul rushes Seducing fEmale by Werewolf200 - This mod is for adult males than want to get the womanizing skills a try. D6 Wasteland Boss by Deliverance 6 - This awesome quest adds 8 new bosses that are deadly but offer great rewards Wreality Haven by Aleph - This awesome level has custom quests on a custom level with new models, NPCs, and items.
Mod Utilities ============= Fallout 3 Mod Installer by Quarn - Install and unistall mods with this tool makes it a breeze Fallout 3 Save Game by digitalfun - Manage Save games ArchiveInvalidation by Quarn- This little program will allow you to totally eliminate the need of ArchiveInvalidation.txt F3 ARvInv by JustSwen- This small utility generates archive invalidation file for Fallout 3. Simply run and press button. fO3 Archive by ScripterRon- FO3Archive displays the files in an archive, extracts files from the archive, or creates a new one. FO3 Edit by ElminsterAU - Edit specific values and information FoMM by By Timeslip - Manange and update mods with this one click tool GEckModTool by who else? - The official mod tool for Fallout 3 by Bethesda nifSkope - Tool use to modify stuff.
changelog V1.5 ====
Gameplay ======== Added Freeplaymod v.04 - Allows playing game after Main Quest completion Added Slower Item Degradation - Decreases the rate the items get worn. Reduce the frequency of item repair Added Mega Weight Mod - Sets weight limit to 50000
Pipboy ====== Updated Revelations UI mod to v0.53 Added MTUI UI v1.1 - Change Pipboy UI dramatically by adding more vertical lines or reducing font size in all menus.
Maps ==== Added Flash Interactive Map v1.6 - Shows location of different items, people, and special items.
Added PDF Raster and Vector Maps v2.0 - A printable map of Fallout 3 world
Weapons ======= Added Realistic Gunshot mod v1.3 - Improves gunshot sounds of many weapons in Fallout 3 Added Hi-Res Weapons Textures v3.1 - Gives better textures Added Gatling Plasma gun - Uber power weapon strictly for pwnage.
Changelog v1.0 ====
Armor ===== BlackOpsArmor Heavenand Hell Power Armor Hello Kity Power Armor Helmet Lens Tint Outcast Camo Power armor Pink Power Armor Power Armor Mod Punisher Power Armor T51B Bos Armor Wastehog Power Armor
Characters ========== Amara Chuck Norris Custom Race Mod - Allows customizing certain character options to play with eyepatch or as a ghoul EyeAddons - Pick from a variety of eye colors and types to add to a character Midori Sexy Pandora Shandra Shayla Wasteland Queen
Mods and Boosts ==============
Boosts ------ Accurate Assault Rifles Barkskin Better Power Armor Mod -Changes various stats of the power armor Eric Damage Tweaks Might Mouse Perk - Pick one of the available files that increase the weight limit. Reduced Karma for Stealing - Steal more without the Karma hit Speed mod - Improved walk speed but same run speed Weapon Damage and Accuracy Mod Xp Increaser X Cross Weapons Repair - Repair weapons with similiar weapon types
Gameplay -------- BetterPace mod Cross Repair Armor Slow Leveling mod Balance Overhaul mod Increased Water Radiation Less Skill Poin Level Cap 30-40 Radiation Redux Rathoria Weaponary Overhaul Skill Level Up Work Around Turn Based Simulator
Other ----- Enhanced Blood TExture Gore Tweaks No Radio Static Radio Music Replacer
Monster Skins ============= Fearl Ghoul Ghoul Textures Female Ghoul Textures Sinister Deathclaw SuperMutant Rextures SupMut Red textures
Musics ====== Fallout 3 Classic music Good Bad Ugly Music Overcoats Fallout 3
Pipboy 3000 =========== Black English Pipboy skin Echo Pipboy Radioative Pipboy Nuka Cola Quantum Pipboy 3000 black Pipware UI Revelation UI mod v0.47 Ammo Sorter UI mod
Uniforms ======= ACU Retex Descert Storm Black shirt and Jeams Male Camo Recon Armor Conflict Hockey Mask Darker Colonel Trench coat Green Metal Camo Grimoas Armored Red Robe Iron Maiden Jacket Pirate Costume Ranger Urban Camo Recon Armor Urban camo Recon Armor Wasteland Wander
Weapons ======= Aluminium Bat Dark 10mm Sub Machine Gun Deagle skin Ebony ripper Laser Pistol G3 Assault Ivory Rapier Newer Laser Pistol
Установка Извлекаем в папку fallout3/ Data Желательно установить bInvalidateOlderFiles=1 в fallout.ini Дальше загружаем из лоадера falloutа.
Скачать Fallout 3 - Fileplanet Mod Pack v2.0 размер 1.2 GB
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